COBRA (b. 1981 Chiba, Japan) is a Japanese artist and founder of XYZ Collective, an artist-run gallery based in Tokyo, Japan. Using various disciplines such as video, performance, sculpture, and painting. COBRA intends to present trifling contradictions hidden within both art history and our daily lives, with a dose of humour. COBRA received his BFA in the Department of Ceramic, Glass and Metal Works from Tama Art University (Tokyo). He has extensively exhibited in Japan as well as in North America at 356 Mission (Los Angeles), Springsteen (Baltimore), Good Weather hosted by Gutter Box (Raleigh, North Carolina), The Apartment (Vancouver), Brennan & Griffin (New York), Shane Campbell Gallery (Chicago), The Green Gallery (Milwaukee), and Freedman Fitzpatrick (Los Angeles), among others.
Good Weather is a contemporary art gallery from North Little Rock, Arkansas founded in 2011. The gallery formed through an innate familial approach and from a desire to seed, locate, and bring contemporary art discourse in and to Arkansas. Following thirty-eight solo shows and a dozen offsite and hosted exhibitions, the gallery’s primary location—originally housed within a one-car suburban garage in the Lakewood neighborhood of North Little Rock—transformed in December 2017 into a long-term and perpetually changing fresco by artist Mariel Capanna titled Little Stone, Open Home. The fresco (and intermittent curatorial programming specific to the work) can be viewed by appointment. Between 2018–2020, Good Weather undertook a singularly itinerant program: curating exhibitions that were hosted by colleagues and organized through various other invitations, collaborations, and self-initiated projects. Since 2016, Good Weather has participated in national and international art fairs and presented exhibitions and focused programming operating as a commercial gallery with locations in Chicago, Illinois and at various offsite locations in North Little Rock, Arkansas.